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- 2022.04, CSO Newsletter - April 2022

Dinex expansion continues with a new US patent, a new OneBox, fresh webshop features, an European award and focus on talents
After big success in 2021 for the Dinex Aftermarket with grows of more than 50 pct., expansion continues for the exhaust and emission leader.
“Several new products are coming up as well as new sales staff – and it doesn’t stop here. We are looking forward to the development, and 2022 has begun very well with a sales increase of over 25 pct.” says Per H. Larsen, Chief Sales Officer (CSO), Aftermarket.
He points out the following news from the Aftermarket:
The Dinex Showroom– one of a kind
The Dinex headquarters in Middelfart, Denmark contains not only production, test center, R&D, and sales offices, but also a new, impressive showroom, used for training, meetings and events.

The showroom of 1.500m2 also shows the impressive time travel of Dinex with pictures and text, since the humble beginning in 1982. And it contains eight trucks of different brands like Volvo FH Euro 6 and Frightliner Cascadia EPA10 among others – to illustrate every emission norm – plus trade fair models of the advanced emission and exhaust technology from Dinex for an inside look.

More honor: Three awards to Dinex in four year
2021 was a big year for the Dinex aftermarket – we experienced big growth on more than 50 pct. and many new projects to optimize the service to our aftermarket customers. In March Dinex won the Award “Heavy Duty Supplier of the Year 2021” from Nexus in competition with more than 75 other suppliers, at a big event in Vienna with more than 500 participants from all over the world.
Our CEO Torben Dinesen and CSO Per H. Larsen went on the stage in Vienna to receive the award. This is the third “Top Award” Dinex aftermarket has received over the last four years, and this is a fantastic achievement of Dinex Aftermarket Team.
Nexus is a community of 159 members/distributors in the automotive aftermarket with a total turnover of 34 billion Euros.

New OneBox patent in US is a remarkable landmark for Dinex
Dinex has proudly reached a significant landmark with the achievement of a patent approval document from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the Dinex OneBox solution for Freightliner Cascadia applications after one and a half year.
It is the first Dinex aftermarket product to get patented in the US, and the unique design is now protected for 20 years. The Dinex OneBox is the result of a two-year long collaboration between Dinex’ OEM and Aftermarket developers.
“We are very proud to have received this important patent in the year of the 40th anniversary year of Dinex Group. The OneBox
is truly a game changer on the North American aftermarket. The product has been well received
in the US and is already a huge success. So the future looks bright for Dinex and for these products, where emission requirements get stricter every year”, says says Per H. Larsen, Chief Sales Officer (CSO), Aftermarket.

Dinex puts full focus on talent care
After two years of preliminary work and exchanges, the Talents4AA association (Talents for Automotive Aftermarket) was officially created in Paris, France, in March 2022 with the aim of attracting and retaining talents of all ages and origins, in all professions, in one of the most attractive sectors: The Automotive Aftermarket.
One of the 15 partners is Dinex, who is the only heavy duty member of Talents4AA, which gives a special status.
“There is a great lack of truck mechanics among our customers, but we also want to attract young people with higher education such as engineers to the transport industry – an industry which can be a little forgotten. We are going into this project because of our knowhow, and we bet at all levels. We want to take social responsibility and help the industry to be more attractive and secure it for the future”, says Per H. Larsen.
He went to Vienna in March together with Christina Jørgensen, Regional Sales Manager Aftermarket Europe West, to sign the agreement about Talents4AA.

More fairs: Come and meet Dinex
After two years of lack of fairs because of the corona epidemic, Dinex is back in business this year.
Dinex had big success at the HDAW show in Grapevine, Texas, in January. Dinex had an extra big stand to show all the new products and to be able to celebrate both Dinex’ 40th anniversary and our 10th anniversary in the US.
“The fair was well visited, and we used the occasion to gather our 32 independent sales representatives in the US – it was a big success”, says Per H. Larsen.
This spring and summer Dinex will meet customers all over Europe and North America.
Dinex will participate in these fairs:
Motortec, Madrid, Spain, 20.-23. April
Truck World, Canada, 21.-23. April
Autopromotec, Bologna, Italy, 25.-28. May
Rematec, Amsterdam, Holland, 14.-16. June
Transport Compleet, Hardenberg, Holland, 14.-16. June
Besides Dinex will participare in several local customer fairs in the same period, and of course Dinex is looking forward to participate in Automechanika 2022 in Frankfurt in September, where the 40th Dinex anniversary will be celebrated as well.

Recon & claims on Dinex Webshop expand the digital service
Two of the latest improvements on the Dinex Webshop are about recon and claims – in both cases it has made it a lot easier for the customers.

The same improvement is now a fact for item claims, which can be handled purely digitally on the webshop.
“This makes it easier for both the customers and for Dinex”, says Stefan Dolleris, who anticipates more of these similar features in the future.
“Fortunately we receive a lot of constructive feedback from the customers, when we launch these improvements on the webshop, where everything is under continuous development.
Dinex is open for continuous improvements on the webshop, and we are in an ongoing dialogue with the customers to expand our service”, he adds.

Pipe Treatment Systems – also a growing business in the US
With Dinex’ flexible and cost-optimised exhaust pipe solutions and our ability to deliver everything from turbo to tail pipe, Dinex is your preferred partner for full system integration.
That also goes for the North American market, where Dinex offers a growing range of Pipe Treatment Systems (PTS). At the moment the PTS range in North America covers 180 designs, a rather high number in the US.

He emphasizes the high quality of PTS, Dinex’ decades of experience and know-how, the cost-
efficient solutions and the 3-years warranty for Dinex products and 1 year for Flex and Bellows.
“Besides Dinex is a One stop shop with the most extensive range of exhaust parts in the industry and a Dinex coverage of 95 % of the exhaust systems from turbo to tailpipe. We deliver everything in one package”, Sebastian Houde adds.

The Dinex Test Centre sprints ahead
In its field Dinex has an unique Test Centre and it is one of the most modern in Europe, states Per H. Larsen. And the Test Centre keeps on growing. In order to obtain more uniform and reliable test results, the Dinex Test Centre is about to put a new air intake conditioning system into operation, a significant investment.

Besides the new air intake system, Dinex has got two additional transient medium/heavy
duty engine dyno´s, which are a part of the roadmap preparations towards the upcomming EU VII (Euro 7) legislation.
“The testing function has throughout 2021 increased the number of employees - a number which will increase even further in 2022 with new employees coming from all over the world, where we can find the right skills. We have recently hired three Emission Test Engineers from India”, tells Christian Berg Philipp.